On May 6 this reviewer took in the second of three play readings in Theatre Exile’s New Play Development Series. On tap was FLESH, celebrated local playwright Michael Hollinger’s work-in-progress.
Because this was a reading, I can’t discuss the substance of the play, but I can relate that even though the four actors basically sat in a row reading for about two hours (including a laid-back intermission with beer), Bill Rahill, Genevieve Perrier, Akeem Davis, and Kimberly Fairbanks sparked this solid play to life.

After the reading of FLESH, an unusual, serious, and very funny work, director Matt Pfeiffer and the playwright joined the ensemble on the set of currently playing NORTH OF THE BOULEVARD (read the Phindie review), where co-artistic director Deborah Block moderated a wide-ranging talk-back with the audience. The personable Michael Hollinger revealed some of his thoughts, and received attentive feedback in an animated exchange of ideas and impressions about the work and the process.
Next up at Studio X-hibition: A THOUSAND KINDS OF SILENCE by James Ijames. June 24 at 7 PM at Studio X (1340 S. 13th Street). If this experience is anything like the last one, it will be fun and well worthwhile. theatreexile.org.