Kathryn Osenlund remembers two productions from Fringe Festivals past
View More Looking Back: Chekhov Lizardbrain & Red Eye to Havre de GraceTag: Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental
ALIAS ELLIS MACKENZIE (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental and CINEtica): 2015 Fringe review 50
Eleven skilled performers play crew or actors on the set of a Colombian TV show about 1980s American drug pilot and adventurer Barry Seal.
View More ALIAS ELLIS MACKENZIE (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental and CINEtica): 2015 Fringe review 50The International Philly Fringe: A welcome to 18 countries
Here’s the latest sampling of Fringe shows, performances, playwrights, and artists from around the world, now grown to 18 countries.
View More The International Philly Fringe: A welcome to 18 countriesThaddeus Phillips Brings the Drug Trade to FringeArts: Interview with the creative mind behind Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental
The Incredibly Dangerous Astonishing Lucrative and Potentially TRUE Adventures of Barry Seal comes to FringeArts May 14–16, 2015. We interview creator Thaddeus Phillips.
View More Thaddeus Phillips Brings the Drug Trade to FringeArts: Interview with the creative mind behind Lucidity Suitcase IntercontinentalRED-EYE TO HAVRE DE GRACE (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental): New York Theatre Workshop sees a reshaped Philly Fringe hit
I have taken the train up from Philadelphia to the New York Theatre Workshop to see how RED-EYE to HAVRE de GRACE has fared since I last saw it. I had discovered it in the Philadelphia Live Arts workshop production in 2005. Between that iteration and the world premiere at Philadelphia Fringe Festival in 2012, an evolutionary process took place.
View More RED-EYE TO HAVRE DE GRACE (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental): New York Theatre Workshop sees a reshaped Philly Fringe hit17 BORDER CROSSINGS (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental/FringeArts): Voyage of imagination
“Let’s assume you’re traveling,” says Thaddesus Phillips, placing the audience as the sojourner. And he whisks us off. With co-creators Tatiana Mallarino and Patrick Nealy, and director Rebecca Wright, Phillips has concocted something special with 17 BORDER CROSSINGS.
View More 17 BORDER CROSSINGS (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental/FringeArts): Voyage of imaginationRED-EYE to HAVRE de GRACE (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental): 2012 Philadelphia Live Arts Festival
An early version of this show lit up the Live Arts Festival in ’05, and I couldn’t wait to see the latest manifestation of the collaboration between Thaddeus Phillips’ Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental and Wilhelm Bros. music. The production has grown up over the intervening years. It’s bigger, wider, and deeper, and just as amazing and magical.
View More RED-EYE to HAVRE de GRACE (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental): 2012 Philadelphia Live Arts FestivalBest of Philadelphia Theater, 2011-12
Here are my annual picks for the best of Philadelphia theater: Best Play: August: Osage County (Arden) Honorable mention: The Island (Lantern) Best Actor, Male: Frank…
View More Best of Philadelphia Theater, 2011-1210 Picks for 2011 Philadelphia Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe, and the 2011 edition looks bigger andbetter than ever. The Live Arts…
View More 10 Picks for 2011 Philadelphia Live Arts Festival and Philly FringeRED-EYE to HAVRE de GRACE (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental): 2005 Philadelphia Live Arts Festival Workshop production
In Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental’s production, three actors and a pianist tell the story of the last three months of Edgar Allen Poe’s life as he pursues his phantoms and vice versa in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and on midnight trains.
View More RED-EYE to HAVRE de GRACE (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental): 2005 Philadelphia Live Arts Festival Workshop production