Nine point five hours, five pieces of theater, ten bicyclists, and no great plan on how we’re gonna eat: that was the format for day two of PHINDIE’S OFFICIAL FRINGE BIKE TOUR.
View More The Fringe in nine and a half hours: the Phindie Fringe Bike Tour Diaries (part two)Tag: Lovertits
LOVERTITS (Annie Wilson): 2014 Fringe review 86
The topic of Annie Wilson’s LOVERTITS is the female body. But the bodies are at turns irreverent, nonchalant, non-sexualized.
View More LOVERTITS (Annie Wilson): 2014 Fringe review 86Merilyn Jackson’s 9 Fringe Dance Picks
Dance writer Merilyn Jackson gives her picks for the 2014 Fringe Festival, with the page numbers from the Fringe Guide for helpful reference.
View More Merilyn Jackson’s 9 Fringe Dance PicksPHINDIE’S OFFICIAL FRINGE BIKE TOUR: Experience Fringe in a way never before possible
Wanna experience the best of Fringe, but don’t know how? Overwhelmed by the offerings of the Guide? Fearful to take your first taste of Philly’s oldest and largest performance festival and somehow get it wrong? Or else just don’t want to do it alone?
Join Phindie for a one-day Fringe immersion, led by Julius Ferraro— theater editor, journalist, playwright, performer, and veteran fringehopper.
View More PHINDIE’S OFFICIAL FRINGE BIKE TOUR: Experience Fringe in a way never before possibleDoug Williams’s 5 Fringe Picks: Festival fave reveals his not-to-miss shows
Playwright Douglas Williams collaborated on a stand-out Fringe hit of 2013, Holly’s Dead Soldiers Doug shared five picks the 2014 Fest.
View More Doug Williams’s 5 Fringe Picks: Festival fave reveals his not-to-miss shows