The beautiful Bucks County Playhouse features MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL, a hilarious presentation about an inevitable fact of life. Four very different women meet while shopping at the posh New York City Bloomindale’s. The staunch business woman (Linda Boston), the soap opera star (Cherie Price), the hippie (Megan Cavanagh), and the cheerleader-turned-housewife (Annette Houlihan Verdolino) quickly realize they have something very real in common – they are all going through the “change”. They share the stories of their adventures replete with hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, forgetfulness, and other joyful alterations with song and dance including “Puff my God I’m Draggin’”, “Lookin’ for Food”, and “Good Vibrations”.
The show is seriously funny and the music and singing excellent. The actors are a testament to loving what you do because what made the show was how they found a way to connect to the audience; everyone could relate someone or something to themselves. MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL is a truly fun experience! [Bucks County Playhouse, 70 S. Main Street, New Hope, Pa.] January 21–February 1, 2015;