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Memphis. By Joe DiPietro (book and lyrics), David Bryan (music and lyrics). Based on a concept by George W. George. May 12–July 12, 2015. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut Street. walnutstreettheatre.org.
A Swingin’ Concert For Hope. By Jeff Coon. July 23, 2015. The Media Theatre, 104 E. State Street, Media. mediatheatre.org
Mercury Fur. By Philip Ridley. July 23 – August 8, 2015. BrainSpunk Theater at the Papermill, 2825 Ormes, Philadelphia, PA 19134. brainspunktheater.com or brainspunk.ticketleap.com/
Asylum. By Cheril N. Clarke. July 24-26, 2015. Bey-Clarke Productions at The Stagecrafters Theater 8130 Germantown Avenue., Philadelphia, PA 19118. asylumtheplay.com
The Winter’s Tale. By William Shakespeare. July 29-August 2, 2015. Shakespeare in Clark Park, Clark Park, 43rd Street and Baltimore Ave., West Philadelphia. shakespeareinclarkpark.org. FREE
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Play Name. By Playwright Name. Date XX–Date XX, 2014. Name Theater Company at Name Theater, XX Name Street. website url (no “www.” or “http://”). Ticket link if different to site url.