100 miles of adventure and discovery around the city’s edge. Walk Around Philadelphia is a journey in segments that connect people to their own bodies, their neighbors, and the landscape of Philadelphia. You can join a walk segment around the city by going to jjtiziou.net and sign up. Or go to phillyfringe.com for more information. This walk was from Cherry Street Pier to Tacony in North Philly.
To see the rest of the sketches from the show go to thesketchbookreporter.com, instagram.com/thesketchbookreporter, or facebook.com/thesketchbookreporter
Million dollar houses being built along the Delaware River.
Two graffiti artists working on the pier.
Under the railroad bridge.
In Tacony, the group gets pizza at the offices of State Representative Joe Hohenstein who had joined the walk. Chief of staff Tara Gontek explains how to eat pizza in a democracy.
[JJ Tiziou on various routes around Philadelphia] August 25-September 17, 2023; jjtiziou.net/project/walk-around-philadelphia