A band of privateers find themselves stranded on an island seemingly inhabited by a lone castaway. When the island’s other residents surge onto the scene, a war of love and duty breaks out (read the review). Aaron Krolikowski returns with his signature blue Fringe sketches. See them all or purchase at thesketchbookreporter.com/
Aminta (Stephanie Hodge) collapses due to hunger and exhaustion. Lamure (Eric Mills) pulls out his knife so Franville (Joel Guerrero) can cut a piece from the rump.
Aminta (Stephanie Hodge) brings food to the starving Albert (Cameron DelGrosso).
Finally, Raimondo (Eli Lynn) finds the island and subjugates Sebastian (Nathan Foley).
Who will lose their head now? Raimondo (Eli Lynn) and Albert (Cameron DelGrosso) meet Rosellia’s (Yajaira Paredes) sword.
[The Philadelphia Artists’ Collective in collaboration with the Independence Seaport Museum, 211 S. Christopher Columbus Boulevard] September 4–20, 2019; fringearts.com/event/the-sea-voyage philartistscollective.org
Live sketches provided by Aaron Krolikowski (#bluesketches): thesketchbookreporter.com