Constellations by Neil Paine. August 2-17, 2019. Quantum Theatre Group at Mayfair Theatre, 6243 Frankford Avenue.
The Beast of Nubia by Jonathan Bethea. August 4, 11, 18, 2019. Theatre in the X at Malcolm X Park, 5100 Pine Street.
Fringe Festival Preview Nights. August 5, 19, 26, 2019. FringeArts presents various artists at FringeArts, 140 N. Columbus Boulevard (August 19 show at the Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street). FREE.
Philly Asian Histories: The Living Museum/ Neighborhood Showcase. August 9–17, 2019. Asian Arts Initiative, 1219 Vine Street.; Tickets
Tommy and Me by Ray Didinger. August 9–25, 2019. Theatre Exile at FringeArts, 140 N. Columbus Boulevard.
Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. August 27–November 17, 2019. Forrest Theatre at 1114 Walnut Street.
Significant Other by Joshua Harmon. August 28–September 15, 2019. Mauckingbird Theatre Company at the Louis Bluver Theatre at the Drake, 302 South Hicks Street.
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