Josh McIlvain’s RETURN OF CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE AND SHOE should be put in a time capsule and used by future generations as a how-to manual titled “How-to-produce-the greatest-show-ever.” Okay, calling this show, “the greatest show ever” may seem like an overreaching marketing phrase, but I assure its not. RETURN is the greatest show of the 2012/13 theater season.

Not to disrespect the larger Philadelphia theater companies, SmokeyScout Productions is reaping one of the benefits of mounting a low-budget, black box minimal production they can afford to make bold choices. McIlvain makes all the right choices. Not a minute is wasted, every inch of the Adrienne’s Sky Box is utilized. The fearless ensemble of six actors dressed in Stanislavski-neutral black crash their bodies into walls, and floor stretching their protean muscles to the max portraying a variety of species, monkeys, fish, psychopathic caterers. I am not sure if there is anything Danielle Adams, Sebastian Cummings, Sarah Knittel, Katherine Perry, Jennifer Summerfield, and Ryan Walter can not portray. June 19 to 29, 2013;
Previously published on Foley Got Comped.
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