Nine point five hours, five pieces of theater, ten bicyclists, and no great plan on how we’re gonna eat: that was the format for day two of PHINDIE’S OFFICIAL FRINGE BIKE TOUR.
View More The Fringe in nine and a half hours: the Phindie Fringe Bike Tour Diaries (part two)Tag: The Hunchback of Notre Dame . . . A Mute Play
THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME . . . A MUTE PLAY (The Renegade Company): 2014 Fringe Review 35
THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME . . . A MUTE PLAY captures the narrative, message, emotion, and beauty of its literary source without speaking a word
View More THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME . . . A MUTE PLAY (The Renegade Company): 2014 Fringe Review 35The International Philly Fringe: A welcome to far-flung artists
Anyone who says that Philadelphia is provincial hasn’t attended the annual Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Here’s the latest sampling of shows, performances, playwrights, and artists from…
View More The International Philly Fringe: A welcome to far-flung artistsMike Durkin’s 10 Fringe Picks: Fringe-tastic and great-image choices from The Renegade Company director
Mike breaks down his picks into two categories: Fringe-tastic are those that embrace the festival, try new ways to story-tell and create an exciting audience experience. The Guide Image picks are picked solely on their image in the guide,
View More Mike Durkin’s 10 Fringe Picks: Fringe-tastic and great-image choices from The Renegade Company directorFringe preview: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, A Mute Play: Trailer
The Renegade Company presents a new work, The Hunchback of Notre Dame…A Mute Play, as its offering for the 2014 Philadelphia Fringe Festival.
View More Fringe preview: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, A Mute Play: TrailerPHINDIE’S OFFICIAL FRINGE BIKE TOUR: Experience Fringe in a way never before possible
Wanna experience the best of Fringe, but don’t know how? Overwhelmed by the offerings of the Guide? Fearful to take your first taste of Philly’s oldest and largest performance festival and somehow get it wrong? Or else just don’t want to do it alone?
Join Phindie for a one-day Fringe immersion, led by Julius Ferraro— theater editor, journalist, playwright, performer, and veteran fringehopper.
View More PHINDIE’S OFFICIAL FRINGE BIKE TOUR: Experience Fringe in a way never before possibleDeb Miller’s 15 Top Picks for the 2014 Philadelphia Fringe Festival
Phindie will provide more Philly Fringe Festival coverage than any publication in the world! Coverage begins with 15 picks from star Phindie writer Deb Miller.
View More Deb Miller’s 15 Top Picks for the 2014 Philadelphia Fringe Festival