It is our job as artists to create environments for people to see things differently. Pig Iron did that.
Sketches by Chuck Schultz.
View More A PERIOD OF ANIMATE EXISTENCE (Pig Iron): Creating an environment for thoughtIt is our job as artists to create environments for people to see things differently. Pig Iron did that.
Sketches by Chuck Schultz.
View More A PERIOD OF ANIMATE EXISTENCE (Pig Iron): Creating an environment for thoughtA lovely and elegiac look at how a sportswriter developed his love for football and friendship with an Eagles quarterback.
View More TOMMY & ME (Theatre Exile): Theatrical touchdownTOMMY AND ME does a lot to make itself likable. Didinger’s love for McDonald is evident and provides a herculean effort towards making the play work. It’s incredibly tempting to allow yourself to be swept away in a sea of sincerity.
View More TOMMY AND ME (Theatre Exile): There am I in the midst of them