Michael Osinski is a Philadelphia-based director, educator, and deviser (a person who works with a form of theater where the script originates not from a…
View More The Howl of the Under-Represented: Interview with WOLVES director Michael OsinskiTag: John Allerheiligen
RODEO (Quince): “Who you calling a lady?”
Throw your preconceived notions about gender aside and ride your own exasperated mule to Quince Productions’ staging of RODEO.
View More RODEO (Quince): “Who you calling a lady?”JEFFREY DAHMER (BrainSpunk): A chilling conversation with a serial killer
BrainSpunk Theater’s premiere full-stage production will keep you spellbound, stunned, and sickened
View More JEFFREY DAHMER (BrainSpunk): A chilling conversation with a serial killer