Sleeping Beauty the Musical Panto by Peter Pryor and Samantha Reading expresses an ageless story. It is an artistic exploration into space, time, and sound.
View More Pantomine in Sketch: SLEEPING BEAUTY (People’s Light)Tag: ariana Sepulveda
SLEEPING BEAUTY (People’s Light): Festive wake-up
The Grimmish fairy tale kingdom is transformed to Paoli Shoals, a town depressed by the collapse of a once-thriving recording industry
View More SLEEPING BEAUTY (People’s Light): Festive wake-upMILLENNIA (Brad Ogden): 2016 Fringe review 63
Millennia is funny, ambitious, and a little bit confused—just like millennials.
View More MILLENNIA (Brad Ogden): 2016 Fringe review 63