Excerpted by kind permission from thINKingDANCE. In FORE-IGN/ FORE-OUT, four choreographers explore states of liminality—of how to be between things. In Matriz, Evalina Carbonell uses a…
View More FORE-IGN/ FORE-OUT (Carbonell, Chisena, Gavino, McKenzie): 2016 Fringe review 84Author: Kirsten Kaschock for thINKingDANCE
Kirsten Kaschock is a Presidential Fellow in the Dance Department of Temple University, currently earning a second PhD. Her dissertative work in dance investigates the compositional methods of modern and postmodern choreography to uncover connections to the poetic avant-garde. Kirsten holds a PhD in English Literature from the University of Georgia. She is a published poet and novelist (with Slope Editions, Ahsahta Press, and Coffee House Press) and has worked as a free-lance choreographer and master teacher in the Northeast. She resides with her three children and their father in Manayunk where she likes to work with words, bodies--and when she is lucky--other people.
NECESSARY EFFORTS (The Naked Stark): Fringe Review 54
What is necessary? In NECESSARY EFFORTS, the mixed-bill production by The Naked Stark, the answer offered is the work of making.
View More NECESSARY EFFORTS (The Naked Stark): Fringe Review 54