Three parts juggling, one part comedy, and one part physics bending showmanship, Greg Kennedy completely owns the title, INNOVATIVE JUGGLER. Kennedy takes the audience through the history of traditional juggling for the first part of the show, and then introduces his original acts, all with sarcastic charm. Formerly an engineer, Kennedy creates routines that rely on manipulating the laws of gravity and motion within elegant contraptions he designs himself. In his long history as a juggler, Kennedy has performed these acts for international audiences and the esteemed Cirque du Soleil. In between routines that have won gold medals, Kennedy tells stories about everyday objects turning into inspiration. His creative manipulation transforms mixing bowls into a visual delight; a broken coffee table morphs into an angled platform for a bouncing juggle.
His performance and personal stories left two thoughts. One: his wife must have a fantastic sense of humor. Two: there’s no need to be afraid of tossing things up in the air, and seeing where they fall. [Philadelphia School of Circus Arts] September 4-13, 2015,
Enticing! Wish I had seen this performance.