A thought-provoking performance, BROKEN ROAD explores the tension that tears apart families. Choreographer Joanna McBride uses ballet-inspired movement, drawing from her own experience to drive the narrative. Threading together themes of love, shattered loyalty, and grief, BROKEN ROAD left the audience in tears.
The cast featured five dancers and two vocalists, the highlight of which was the adorable 8-year-old Gianne Carbonetta (daughter), Danny Venini (brother) displayed stunning lines, while Francis Markocki (father) possessed a solid technical background. All of the castmembers expertly expressed their emotions, especially Alyssa Seagraves (older daughter) and Ashley Antista (mother) in the final moments of the play. For a first-time artist, Joanna McBride created a compelling, poignant, and well-received story. [Friends Center, 1501 Cherry Street] September 16-20, 2014; fringearts.com/brokenroad.