You can tell a lot about a city by looking through its craigslist pages. Jobs, apartments, M4W, rants: it’s all there.
An exploration of wants and needs, longing and loneliness, hook-ups and disconnections—all pulled from posts on Philadelphia’s craigslist—MISSED CONNECTIONS & OTHER CURIOSITIES: Tales of Yearning from Craigslist Philadelphia runs June 13-15, 2014, as part of Simpatico Theatre Project’s Second Stage. Conceived, directed, and performed by some of Philly’s brightest, emerging artists, the evening is underscored by selections from Gabriel Kahane’s Craigslistleider, a song cycle lifted from the classifieds of craigslist.
WANTED: More cool theater like this. [Brind School’s Caplan Theatre, 211 S. Broad Street, 17th Floor] June 13-15, 2014;
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