You might call me a scrooge. The Philadelphia theater scene goes on hiatus in July and August, as most companies take a season break. And for me, December is like another theater season break, as many companies produce a version of Charles Dickens’s Christmas Carol, or some other irritatingly festive show, and I wait for January.
But perhaps there’s a Tiny Tim ready to warm my heart somewhere. And if so, a good place to start would be Hedgerow Theatre in sunny Media, PA, where they are staging their 21st annual presentation of the tale as adapted by Nagle Jackson. In this “Hedgerow’s Backstage Podcast”, artistic director Penelope Reed and Hedgrow fellow Brock Vickers discuss the production, what makes the story so popular, and how the darned thing came to written in the first place.
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Merry! Happy!
A CHRISTMAS CAROL runs at Hedgerow December 6-31, 2013,