The Berserker Residents—that ludicrous comic trio of Justin Jain, David Johnson, and Bradley K. Wrenn—are a moved-loved highlight of the Philly Fringe. 2013’s The Talkback was a joyous exploration of spontaneity and theatricality in a send-up of the post-show actor talk back (read two Phindie reviews here and here). Earlier pieces The Giant Squid (2008) and The Annihilation Project (2009) were also raucously received. This Halloween, the Berserkers revisit the show that started it all: THE JERSEY DEVIL.
Premiered at the 2007 Fringe Festival, THE JERSEY DEVIL is a fast-paced hour-long retelling of the legend the mythical monster of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. A trio of farcical sideshow freaks have captured the Devil, and regale the audience with the tale tales behind “its conception, its birth, and its day to day life”, before displaying the beast in all its glory. The City Paper lauded the show as “campy, over-the-top, and genuinely hilarious from the “opening act”… all the way to the very last line.” And yeah, it is. These guys are seriously inventive, talented, and fun.
The funniest way to spend a Halloween in Philadelphia runs for four nights (seven shows). Come in costume on the 31st for $5 off tickets. October 30-November 2, 2013, Tickets.