Imagine the beginning of time. Among the darkness and uncertainty, a family is tumultuously thrown through the distant past, experiencing unpredictable circumstances behind every blackout. Hello Blackout! resides where reinvention meets folklore, where philosophical uncertainty meets retrospect, creating a theatrical world of action and reaction between narrative and character. Proving predictability impossible, New Paradise Laboratories wittily explores the beginning of everything as we know it.
Captivating from the beginning, Hello Blackout! thrills and suspends our attention in time and space. It would be wrong to overlook the immense pull composer Bhob Rainey created in his score, setting the scene in each moment. Acting cohesively alongside stellar lighting design and the brilliant composition, the quirky and insanely talented cast created a performance of sheer delight. With just enough confusion to keep you wrapped around their finger, Hello Blackout! provides a refreshing portrayal of our ever-fluctuating universe and our place in it.
[The Proscenium Theatre at the Drake, 1512 Spruce Street] September 5-17, 2017;