From Annie Wilson, creator of the 2014 Fringe hit Lovertits, comes a work of theater, dance, magic, and ritual about the body and its fragility—and the lengths we go to protect our selves. [FringeArts, 140 N. Columbus Boulevard] December 1-3, 2016;
There is a strong energy I feel while drawing from a live performance. It can be very exciting for me and I wonder what it is like for the other audience members.
Discretion and affection.
The head usher at the Kimmel Center told me these drawings in motion are called “croquis,” from the French for sketch.
“Is this a dance performance or a social experiment?”
At the end of the play Annie Wilson joins the audience to sing, “your home is where you’re happy. It’s not where your not free.” I am not completely sure about the lyrics, but it seems to be a Charles Manson song “Your home is where you’re happy.”