Soaring out of the gates with effortless acrobatics, Tribe of Fools’ robust remount of ANTIHERO is a true theatrical powerhouse. ANTIHERO, a satirical send up of our cultures rabid obsession with superheroes and vigilante justice, is the perfect outlet for the Tribe’s uniquely energetic form of “physical theater.”
The show cleverly unfurls the mystique of blow-hard, comic book machismo by way of feminist, psych-major, Simone’s (Colleen Hughes) dissertation on the contentious “American male.” While incognito at a comic shop, studying her test subjects, she becomes embroiled in one customer’s crusade to topple the dreaded PPA—Batman style. Some highlights include an NWA fueled tap dance routine; an Adam West-era, Batman inspired montage; and (my personal favorite) a fight sequence guised as an ANTIHERO-themed, live action version of Super Smash Bros. which brought me to the brink of tears—recollecting all my fond, youthful, Super Nintendo, memories. Additionally, a few characters speak in a rough Philly twang which lends a wonderfully colloquial sense to the action—kind of like an ass-kicking, highflying episode of Always Sunny. Don’t be fooled however,
ANTIHERO, is far from just a brawny slap stick routine. Underneath all its Super Hero posturing lies the pulsating heart of a cautionary tale. [Painted Bride Art Center, 230 Vine Street] September 9-23, 2016;