Oscar Wilde once wrote to a friend that his two books of fairy tales were intended “partly for children and partly for those who have…
View More WILDE TALES (Quintessence): Where the WILDE things areTag: Ife Foy
SAINT JOAN (Quintessence): The Maid’s new clothes
George Bernard Shaw’s play is presented in rich tonalities of color, light, positioning, and sound. It is wide awake.
View More SAINT JOAN (Quintessence): The Maid’s new clothesYOUNG VOICES MONOLOGUE FESTIVAL 2015 (InterAct): The maturity of Millennials
Baby Boomers are certain that Millennials are nothing but lazy, uncultured slackers. The YOUNG VOICES FESTIVAL blasts that idea into smithereens.
View More YOUNG VOICES MONOLOGUE FESTIVAL 2015 (InterAct): The maturity of MillennialsHENRY V (Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre): Bringing history to life and making learning fun
Aaron Cromie brings his inimitable brand of wit and insight to this exuberant interpretation of HENRY V.
View More HENRY V (Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre): Bringing history to life and making learning fun