“Wicked” in “Forbidden Broadway’s Greatest Hits,” now playing at Act
II Playhouse in Ambler until June 28. Photo by Mark Garvin.
Act II set a new standard for closing out an excellent season. FORBIDDEN BROADWAY’S GREATEST HITS by Gerard Allessandrini is hands down hilarious. Tony Braithwaite, Elena Camp, Jeffrey Coon, and Tracie Higgins take the stage accompanied by Sonny Leo on piano (and random acts) to satirize our favorite Broadway hits from the biggies like Annie, Spamalot, Fiddler on the Roof, Hello Dolly, and Les Miserables to name a few.
This show is a clear story of good chemistry: the set, stage, lighting, costume, sound, production, and stage crews provided an amazing canvas for the actors to do what they do best—and the actors cashed in letting their talents really shine. The individual actors were equally brilliant with different comedic styles that were as strong on their own but together, created a mass of hilarity that kept the audience laughing throughout the show. If there is anything you need to see this season it’s FORBIDDEN BROADWAY’S GREATEST HITS [Act II Playhouse, 56 E. Butler Avenue] May 19–June 28, 2015; act2.org.