Tribe of Fools’ popular holiday burlesque is back this year for one night only with its fifth ensemble-devised installment, THE REVENGE OF HORNY RUDOLPH. It’s a seasonal show for all genders and sexual identities, with equal numbers of male routines as female–not the usual “straight men just staring at women all night,” according to Artistic Director Terry Brennan. “The show is absolutely for adults only, but it’s also fun and funny and welcoming. We have a blast with the adult theme by being inclusive not reductive.”
Burlesque veteran Bryan S Clark hosts the proceedings as the eponymous character in antlers, who introduces a variety of original acts and fictional favorites like Nasty Frosty and Timmy Bagley (Brennan’s lovable protagonist from the company’s 2011 Fringe hit Heavy Metal Dance Fag), performing Tribe of Fools’ signature brand of physical theater and socially relevant humor. Brennan and Clark, along with Peter Smith (who plays Dirty Santa) crafted a general scenario and wrote all the segues, then Brennan and Dany Guy arranged the order of the independent acts as they appear on stage. Colleen Hughes, Zachary Chiero, Gwen Rooker, Mike Cosenza, Isa St Claire, and Tara Demmy contribute their talents to this “theatrical jambalaya,” as they tempt and tease you with all the juicy fun.
Brennan explains:
Most of the acts have an element of humor. Some of them are really funny and others are fun and sexy with a humorous wink, but generally speaking, the tone of the night is very funny. We like to laugh and there’s no rule in burlesque that says you can’t be titillated and laugh your face off. And we like to mix things up. Without giving away too much, one of our acts is a quiet and reflective drag performance by a famous Christmas character.
So leave the kids at home and bring your over-18 family and friends for this diverse combination of adult song and dance, a lot of comedy, and a little bit of skin. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the company’s 2015 productions, so with this hot ticket you can be naughty and nice at the same time! [Plays & Players, upstairs, 1714 Delancey St.] December 13, 2014;