A unique theatrical experience, Noah Levine’s DREAM SEQUENCE takes place in an unusual, petite and intimate setting. After the audience of three is seated, an alarm clock is heard. The alarm increases in volume until Noah nimbly tumbles into view to turn it off. As he entertains the audience with stories that twist and turn between interludes of magic, banana munching and origami, our protagonist reveals life’s segues as journey and transmigration of purpose, and also a little about U-TACO (Unaffiliated Theatre Artists Creating Opportunities). Sometimes bad things happen (in life), but maybe that experience can be useful for something later. Things need to get done, except doing something else occurs instead. People exit without being duly chronicled. Wait! Time seems to slip away, ambitions become hobbies… Naps beckon.
Levine’s DREAM SEQUENCE, directed by Amelia Williams, is a lovely lucid excursion, cleverly concieved, and smartly executed in terms of tech, creative costuming and timing.
Run time about 30 minutes.
[45th and Locust Streets] July 18-20, 2016; heyevent.com/event/owhu57jw6pkj4a/dream-sequence-2016-solow-fest