The danger with a Brian Friel play is charm. No stage Irishmen here at Irish Rep’s production, no comical drunkenness. Another danger, especially in a…
View More [NYC] TRANSLATIONS (Irish Rep): Searching for cluesTag: Translations
Leading the Blind: Interview with the director and cast of Irish Heritage Theatre’s MOLLY SWEENEY
We presented five questions to IRT’s Peggy Mecham, the director, and the three cast members: Kirsten Quinn as Molly Sweeney, the blind woman; Ethan Lipkin as the husband; and Michael P. Toner as the physician.
View More Leading the Blind: Interview with the director and cast of Irish Heritage Theatre’s MOLLY SWEENEYTRANSLATIONS (Villanova): Mapping identity
When the British army renames the Irish village of Baille Baeg with an Anglicized name, the villagers must decide if it’s still the same place they’ve always known.
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