Republished by kind permission from Neals Paper. Lightning, alas, did not strike two years in a row when it came to Pennsylvania Shakespeare’s grand experiment…
View More LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST (PA Shakes): 60-second reviewTag: Spencer Plachy
JULIUS CAESAR (PA Shakespeare): A staging come to steal away your hearts
One must praise Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival’s CAESAR and do everything to keep it from being buried until the maximum number of people see Patrick Mulcahy’s intelligent, timely production.
View More JULIUS CAESAR (PA Shakespeare): A staging come to steal away your heartsNATIONAL PASTIME (Bucks County Playhouse): 60-second review
It’s 1933 in the struggling radio station WZBQ in Baker City, Iowa. Owner Barry hatches an ingenious plan to resurrect a defunct baseball team, boost ratings, and save the station.
View More NATIONAL PASTIME (Bucks County Playhouse): 60-second review