Juniper Street, a community-building sleepover play about death

Introducing the Fringe/Fringe Festival, which you probably won’t want to miss

A backwoods exorcism by a snake-handling preacher, a community-building sleepover play about death, devised theater by dangerous women, and a gallery where live mannequins and their art intersect: we’re hoping the newly-birthed Fringe/Fringe Festival turns out to be as freaky and compelling as its play synopses promise.

View More Introducing the Fringe/Fringe Festival, which you probably won’t want to miss
Image courtesy of Michael Durkin

SOLOW FLASH INTERVIEWS 2014, EPISODE THREE: Michael Durkin, Joshua McLucas and Michael Broussard

The fifth SoLow Fest features over forty individual shows across Philadelphia. How are you supposed to pick which ones you want to see? They only cost $5 (or whatever you want to fork over—Lo, the magic of Pay What You Can) so you can see more than one so long as you know what’s going on.

To give you a clearer picture of what’s in store, freelance writer/performer Julius Ferraro conducts a series of flash interviews of our artists!

View More SOLOW FLASH INTERVIEWS 2014, EPISODE THREE: Michael Durkin, Joshua McLucas and Michael Broussard